Laura's Diary

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10:56 a.m. - Tues. 6.16.09


hugs by ~LAURA-777 on deviantART

This is an older picture of Yager and I, however, It still remains as my most favorite ones.

That day the picture was taken, we were at McDonald's just across the street from the apt. complex where we reside at, I gave Yager a french fry, and she ate it and smiled. Yager makes me laugh, she's got a personaltiy of her own.

When ever I am down or sad, Yager's right there, she knows how I am feeling that day, good or bad. Animals pick that up, they sense emotions, sometimes better than humans.

Yager and I have been together for 2 years now, and we share a bond that's stronger than any steel bar and more precious than gold. Yager is my hope, she is my best friend. We are a team.