Laura's Diary

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5:40 p.m. - Sun. 8-21.11


This past weekend, was my grandfathers funeral.. and today I just home from it..all I can say is, it was a beautiful service. it was held at a local church, my grandfather had went to on a frequent basis. lovely mass it was traditional. my cousin and I had did the usual catholic ritual that is kosher for these types of funerals (my family is catholic) after the mass, we all departed to the grave site, and continued service, there was a Navy guard there to fold the flag and give that to my father, this was done because my grandfather's a WWII vetrean in the Navy. At that point of the funeral, when they had given the folded flag to my dad, and he said 'thank you' I could hear his voice crack.. its that sound in someones voice when they get choked up.. thats about the only way I'd decribed that.. anyways, when that occured, and the song TAPS was being played, I too broke down, tears streaming down my face, and my dad had came over to me, consoling me, and his words to me were, 'don't ruin my dress coat!!'

after that, we headed inside to the luncheon, it was one room over from where my grandmothers funeral luncheon was held at, brought back a flood of memories.. that was wonderful.. My cousin whom I did the catholic ritual with during the funeral got up to read his memories about our grandfather, beautiful written.. then I went up next to read mine it was the' angel' poem,
you can read it here

the poem was well recieved, people were coming up to me, afterwards saying it was beautiful, and I'm glad that there are those whom believe in angels, because they are far and few between when it comes to that subject..

in a few words I feel emotionally drained.. the funeral is closure not only for me but for my family as well. and after we can all move forth with our lives, because when someone close to you dies, you know they too would want you to just do exactly that, just move foward with your life. and having said that, I am happy to annouce that I have completed my latrest goal, my new book, desire in vein, you can check it out here

for more info on that you may visit:
my author page

a Thank you goes out to Ty, (you know whom you are) for his formatting efforts on my book, desire in vein. Lovely job.

as well as my next artshow-upcoming this Halloween thru January 31,2012 at new port richey city hall 5919 Main street new port richey, florida 34652

so having said the above 2 goals, I'd say I am moving forth indeed.